While I was chuckling to myself that my brother-in-law had been tagged by the Scottish Teuchtar and leaving a comment to that effect on his blog, he was busy tagging ME.
So here goes:
What I was doing 10 years ago:
We were anxiously awaiting the birth of our first child. After 5 years of infertility, we were one month away from realizing our dream of parenthood.
5 things on my to-do list:
1. review Alec's ABA data and make new targets
2. put away the rest of the folded laundry
3. soak and dehydrate another batch of almonds ( for almond flour)
4. stake out the sheep and the goat so they will quit eating my landscaping
5. order the movie Autism Yesterday from Amazon - a documentary of kids recovered from autism
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Put up billboards everywhere that says "Autism is cureable."
2. Fund research for autism treatments.
3.Get my husband to retire.
4.Give large sums of money to fund adoption grants, and micro-loans to people in developing countries.
5. Buy everything in the World Vision catalog - goats, sheep, cows, chickens, water wells, schools, hospitals, everything!
3 of My Bad Habits
1. I procrastinate.
2. I'm indecisive.
3. I can't decide!
5 Places I've lived:
1. My parents' home in Jackson Miss.
2 . A dorm at Ole Miss.
3. An apartment in Mountain Brook, Alabama
4. Our first house in Homewood, Alabama
5. Our house now, my dream log house that I contracted, and the last house I will ever build!
5 Jobs I've Had:
1. restaurant hostess
2. psychiatrist
3. gestator
4. domestic goddess
5 Books I'm Currently Reading:
1. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Narnia Book 5 - our current bedtime read.
2. Crunchy Cons by Rod Dreyer - I love it! If anyone says they don't understand me, I'm going to throw this book at them!
3. Galatians - from the New Testament
4. Breaking the Vicious Cycle - by Elaine Gottschall.. Healing the gut as the basis for healing autism.
5. Children with Starving Brains - by Jaquelyn McCandless, MD. A medical treatment guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder
5 Folks I'm Tagging:
1. Frogs and Bees
2. Cowboys and Crosses
3. Adventures in Autism
4. MOM- Not Otherwise Specified
5. Irish Lassie @ The Brown Bull