Eight days and counting down till we start the Specific Carbohydrate Diet! I have ordered my yogurt maker and found a source for fresh local goat milk.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Who ever thought I would be making my own goat yogurt?! This week I'll be making flour from almonds. I have been assured it's not that hard. Compared to giving up coffee and chocolate, what is hard?
We have gotten good results with the gluten-free, casein-free diet, but we are going a step further to clear up Alec's GI problems and poor eating habits. We are ALL carb addicts , so for everyone's health and to minimize Alec's access to unauthorized food, we are ALL doing the diet.
I hope I live to blog about it!
I'm not sure if I could ever give up chocolate and coffee! ;)
What a neat lifestyle change. I've no doubt you'll be feeling better in the long run. The small changes I've made have helped.
thanks for visiting my blog; I'll be back for a more thorough peek at yours when I'm not seeing crosseyed (worked this weekend) :)
Chris gave me this book Saturday!
I'm pulling for you, sister.
And I promise to hid all the chocolate and caffiene when you come to visit!:)
Perfect choice.
You can do it! I believe in you!
SCD was big for my son Chandler. Hope that it gives Alec a boost too!
It is a pain when you start, but i was worth it for us.
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