Thanks to everyone that has sent their prayers and support. We seemed to have turned a corner and things were much smoother today. The kids and I went to get some treats (toys, not food) to celebrate 5 days on the diet. There was NO MENTION of food while we were out shopping! I was so proud of them.
Tonight the kids decided to have a restaurant, complete with menus. Burke and Olivia cooked and Burke was the waiter. They used their best manners and our fancy glasses. They had a ball working together. Plus they ate, and ate, and ate! It's so much more fun to " eat out."
There has been a very strange side-effect on this diet. Since Day 3 time has moved much slower. Not in a bad "will this day never end" way. In a good way. I'm no longer anxiously rushing from one thing to the next, feeling overwhelmed with all I have to get done. Even though I am cooking 3 meals a day from scratch I have time in my day to hang out with my kids, talk to my husband, visit with friends. It is so noticeable that I look at the clock alot. It's like a Twilight Zone episode. How can what you eat change your perception of time? Makes you wonder. If this is life without grains, I love it!
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