O and AB

The boys with friend Joseph
I have been a very baaad blogger lately.
In May things came so fast and furious I couldn't keep up. Now that things have slowed down, I'll catch up.
VBS this week was loads of fun and fellowship.
Julia had the quote of the week. When the teacher said they were going to hear a story about David and Goliath, she piped up,
"What are we going to do for fun?"
Today at Sunday school, Burke raises the bar with his comment. QB is his assistant teacher and one of his favorite people (she has chips at her house and a trampoline). QB asks Burke if he would like her to put his papers and art project in a bag. He says, "No, but I want you to leave a comment on my blog!"
She did. Thanks, QB!
Your blog appearance was great before but it is really lovely now! Did you have it done or do it yourself? Glad you are back to blogging. I've been off myself! Sonya
i love VBS to.
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