Alec has started drawing and writing since we began ABA 2 weeks ago. I think it shows the influence of the great masters, especially Picasso. Too bad it was on a dry erase board or I would have framed it!
Convinced that no human being can please God by self-improvement, we believed in Jesus as the Messiah so that we might be set right before God by trusting in the Messiah, not by trying to be good.
I am a 40-something recovering yuppy living my dream in the country with my wonderful husband and my 4 precious children, all in our log house. We have 3 dogs, 12 cats, 6 horses, 37 chickens, a goat, a goldfish, 4 guinea pigs, and a black sheep. In my former life, before the triplets were born seven years ago, I was a psychiatrist. Since the home-educating began 5 years ago, I've been more than busy. Lately I've been learning alot about dyslexia (one with that), language delay(two with that), and autism (one with that.) Maybe I haven't wasted my medical degree after all - it was preparation for being a mom. Why am I blogging? Because I have so much spare time!
Look Out,Picasso!
Maybe he'll be a famous artist bazillionaire and we can all retire.
When can we go on Good Morning America? I'm ready to take that show on the road!
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