I have been rightfully scolded by the Happy Hippy for not blogging. BA-aa-aa-ad blogger!
I have been on sabbatical! That's "fancy" for "I haven't had anything good to blog about."
Alec's progress has slowed considerably; there is still progress, just not leaps and bounds overnight. It got me down. The autism community seems to be grieving this summer - all the lost potential of these kids, and the difficulty of the battle. But the battle rages on. I am still looking for an internet community of moms who are where I am along this journey. Those further down the road are very helpful and knowledgeable, but I would like to have some folks to share the journey with. I am joining the local autism awareness group, which will crank up this fall. Alec sees his DAN doctor Aug 7. I am looking forward to stepping up his bio-medical treatments.
Alec just told me. "Your time is up." He wants to have the computer to himself. Since he can work the mouse, he is unstoppable! He is reading this and laughing. God is SO GOOD!